+Encore's Thoughts+
Intro is cool you know. Nice balance for what's it's worth and the bass drum is pretty nice. I actually like the transition into the main verse. It was pretty smooth. The song has some interesting parts. Sounds like R&B I'll say. Now I'm still a bit confused the actual form happening. It's kind of fluffy on on form. I don't know what to assume is the chorus? or verse? Also your saw at about 1:07 is panned
awkwardly into one ear. I would drop some reverb on that. Generally it seems kind of leaned on the right. Like the strings seemed leaned. Ehh I don't like it there it makes me feel unbalanced. At 2:18 that sound is fly to although the transition where it stopped than just picked back up was alright. It's A nice track with good things to it and some bad.
Plus--- /13/
(+)Crisp. Quality is high.
(+)Varied and mixed pretty well.
(+)Good instrument choices.
That snare is really low it seems. Also it seems pretty loud and not carried to well with other percussion like hats or shakers. I can hear the small hats in the back but they don't balance to well with the "loud" snare.
(-)"Form is a ?"
I was never sure exactly where the song was in a sense of if vocals where laid down on it. It seemed to be a vocal track because alot of the melodies used sounded like background melodies if you know what I mean. I don't know whats the verse to the chorus to the other parts you include like hooks and such.
(-)"Panning, Balance"
This actually isn't to bad here. But there are some problems with the saw whistle. It really leaned to the right. And in my car that just sounds pretty awkward. And on my sets. I felt unbalanced. And I mentioned the snare above but i guess saying it again couldn't hurt to bad. Darn you man that snare or clap i can't tell really what it is exactly it's loud. There's other panning issues I heard sometimes but nothing big.
2x(-)"Transitional Work."
It was actually really good. But sometimes it still felt pretty inconclusive. It was really good though. Also where was the ending!? I hated to take two points but...damn it....you left me no choice. No choice...man.
*Additional Comments*
Really try to exaggerate your chord changes. They are the most important part of R&B, Trance, and other various melodic genres. That lean heavily on the chords to set the tone and overall "mood" of the song. Yours chords are very soft and indeed nice at need to be heard some way or another. Ofcourse I'm not saying go change anything because well there's no instruments besides the strings that are actually able to carry the chords since you don't have a piano in this track. Nice none the less.
Well that's All I have. Nice track. One of the best in the R&B section as far as actually being in the genre and such. Good tone quality nice melodic sense. And oh yeah. Can we get a ending? Good track though I liked it. Alot of ground covered from your first tracks to this one. Got to hate the Zero Voters. You should PM when you bring out new songs. Otherwise I won't know!
*Last Words/Final Score*
"You got my Respect."
Final Score:8